Michael Dreiling
Red Match-Heads
Artist Statement
I have always enjoyed taking things apart such as old appliances and toys because I was curious to explore their insides — the side that is rarely observed. This curiosity has led me to explore the dissection of shapes and forms that exist within familiar objects and present them in unfamiliar ways to illustrate a new perspective. I was interested in the narrative of common materials and objects found in daily life. Brisbane artist Eugene Carchesio’s formal arrangement of materials inspired the small, individual segments that represent the boxes the matches once sat in.
Artwork Process
I experimented with matches by burning them and arranging them formally to represent the original matchbox shape. Some matches were burnt to varying degrees, and some were left untouched. The organised match forms were then represented with ink using a single brush stroke, and then the matches were arranged around them in grid formation leaving some spots empty. Finally, a second version of work was created, with a broader focus on the simplicity of the line produced by ink.
About the Artist
- Name: Michael Dreiling
- School: Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology
- Artwork: Red Match-Heads
- Media: Matchsticks and ink on watercolour paper
I have always enjoyed taking things apart such as old appliances and toys because I was curious to explore their insides — the side that is rarely observed. This personal curiosity has stuck with me through my art journey in high school and has motivated my art making. Through my art, I hope to display the often unnoticed intricacies that can be observed within everyday life.