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Uramat drawing

Fire Dance


Fire Dance

Fire Dance


Fire Dance

Bush fire


Bush fire

Burning Pig.


Burning Pig.




Making a garden


Making a garden

Heating Taro


Heating Taro

Hotting stones for mumu.


Hotting stones for mumu.

A picture of the 2019 bushfires.


A picture of the 2019 bushfires.

My picture is about how bushfires have been destroying animals' habitat e.g. a koala.


My picture is about how bushfires have been destroying animals' habitat e.g. a koala.

Fire reminds me of my fireplace at home. It keeps me warm and makes me feel safe.


Fire reminds me of my fireplace at home. It keeps me warm and makes me feel safe.

This drawing was the bushfires in 2019 and 2020.


This drawing was the bushfires in 2019 and 2020.

This is about bushfires


This is about bushfires

This is a drawing of my campfire when I had a camp out in my backyard.


This is a drawing of my campfire when I had a camp out in my backyard.

This is about entertainment and controlling the earth.


This is about entertainment and controlling the earth.

I chose to draw this because I love fires and cooking damper and love seeing the shades of the fire.


I chose to draw this because I love fires and cooking damper and love seeing the shades of the fire.

When we went camping in Burrum Heads.


When we went camping in Burrum Heads.

My drawing is about two girls sharing warmth and cooking with the fire. The fire is keeping them warm and letting them cook marshmallows.


My drawing is about two girls sharing warmth and cooking with the fire. The fire is keeping them warm and letting them cook marshmallows.

One time when we were camping, a leaf caught on fire and fell on the grass which made the grass catch on fire.


One time when we were camping, a leaf caught on fire and fell on the grass which made the grass catch on fire.

This about the aboriginal people using fire to roast a pig and eat it to survive hunger.


This about the aboriginal people using fire to roast a pig and eat it to survive hunger.

Where the Gubbi Gubbi people camped and went hunting.


Where the Gubbi Gubbi people camped and went hunting.

My picture is about watching the cooking of a pig.


My picture is about watching the cooking of a pig.

The journey of the Elders.


The journey of the Elders.

They are cooking a pig but without the pig's skin.


They are cooking a pig but without the pig's skin.

This picture is about aboriginals camping, eating and harvesting including archery etc.


This picture is about aboriginals camping, eating and harvesting including archery etc.

Camping with my family and making  smores!!


Camping with my family and making smores!!

This picture is showing two tiki huts with people waking up in the morning with birds chirping and flying into the sunset.


This picture is showing two tiki huts with people waking up in the morning with birds chirping and flying into the sunset.

I drew a picture of fire spinning because its thrilling.


I drew a picture of fire spinning because its thrilling.

This picture is of a fire camping.


This picture is of a fire camping.

Fire while camping.


Fire while camping.

In this picture I used a variety of different colours. I drew a campfire or Kira.


In this picture I used a variety of different colours. I drew a campfire or Kira.

Fire means a lot to me because it's harmful, resourceful and spiritual.  Fire means a lot to a lot of people.


Fire means a lot to me because it's harmful, resourceful and spiritual. Fire means a lot to a lot of people.

The reason why I did a fire was because the meaning of my name is fire.


The reason why I did a fire was because the meaning of my name is fire.

This is me in my campsite wanting to touch the fire.


This is me in my campsite wanting to touch the fire.

My drawing is about how I cook damper with my family and how I love being outside and camping.


My drawing is about how I cook damper with my family and how I love being outside and camping.

This is a volcano.


This is a volcano.

Fire can be deadly, but it can also be beautiful.


Fire can be deadly, but it can also be beautiful.

This is a campfire that people are cooking pig on.


This is a campfire that people are cooking pig on.

I drew a pig on the fire because I like eating.


I drew a pig on the fire because I like eating.

This is about people roasting pig and eating it on a spit.


This is about people roasting pig and eating it on a spit.

My picture is to show the cooking of the food for the ceremony.


My picture is to show the cooking of the food for the ceremony.

Camping in my back paddock.


Camping in my back paddock.

When I lived at Woodgate, there was a bushfire and it made the trees black and scared lots of people.


When I lived at Woodgate, there was a bushfire and it made the trees black and scared lots of people.

This is a picture of a campfire  that came loose and spread everywhere because the campers were not very careful.


This is a picture of a campfire that came loose and spread everywhere because the campers were not very careful.

My picture is about me sitting outside camping.


My picture is about me sitting outside camping.

The ways the Gubbi Gubbi people went hunting and spirits going through the fire to show fire.


The ways the Gubbi Gubbi people went hunting and spirits going through the fire to show fire.

The Gubbi Gubbi people will have a ceremony and the spirits will come out of the kira.


The Gubbi Gubbi people will have a ceremony and the spirits will come out of the kira.

My drawing about when I went to Fiji when I was 7 and a guy ate fire and swallowed it! There were also people throwing fire and there was a big fire in the middle.


My drawing about when I went to Fiji when I was 7 and a guy ate fire and swallowed it! There were also people throwing fire and there was a big fire in the middle.